Monday, December 17, 2007

It Wasn't A Good Day

Still feeling pretty bad, but had to go to work anyway. Tried to avoid getting too close to people to spare them from catching the germs. Instead, they caught my bad attitude.

I hate it. Something important to my life was supposed to happen at work today. So I pulled myself out of bed, drug myself through all the morning rituals, skipped breakfast, and like a true champion showed up at my desk ready to roll.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and nothing happened. At least, not what I sacrificed a day of rest and recuperation for. The hands of the clock barely moved. Time seemed to stand still.

Due to the anticipation, I did everything I could to add more stress to my day: confrontations with people over issues I couldn't even clarify, hallway gossip conversations to spread unneeded ill will, and just general overall ugliness.

It wasn't a good day.

Why do we do that to ourselves? Why do we sabotage ourselves when it is just as easy to start the day with a great attitude? OK, tomorrow I will take a good attitude to work with me, no matter what does or doesn't happen during the day.

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