Saturday, December 08, 2007

If It's On Amazon I Must Be Famous

This past week, while Googling my name in a lull between projects, I came across something very interesting...something I wrote is being sold on!

It's true, I've always wanted to be a famous writer. If I were a famous writer, I would not have to drag myself out of bed every morning to go to my job. Instead, I would get up in the morning, bright and early, wipe the goop from my eyes, and saunter over to my beautiful cherry-wood roll-top writing desk.

After sharpening a zillion yellow #2 pencils, I would take a deep breath, arrange all of my famous writer writing tools in front of me, and wait for inspiration to take over.

Of course, I'd have to pause in-between interviews with Writer's Digest Magazine and the Nobel Prize Committee before putting my daily quota of words on paper.

Yes, I said pencil and paper. Famous writers write everything by hand and have a really cool assistant enter it all into the computer.

So here I was, Googling my name and discovering that is selling book reviews I wrote for the journal of the Society for Technical Communication (STC) for $5.99 each.

I suppose being the digital age, you can package anything digital and put a price on it. That doesn't mean that anyone will actually put down the greenbacks for the privilege of reading one of my book reviews, but who cares?

I can go to, and there, among names like Stephen King, Ken Follett, and J.K. Rowling find book reviews written by ME.

If it's on Amazon, I must be famous!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous picture, famous writer. I'll have to google you...