Monday, December 10, 2007

I Have Great Neighbors

I have some great neighbors. We don't see each other as much as I'd like to since we are all so busy with modern day life challenges. It isn't like the olden days when you could stroll down the block, see each other on the porch, and call out a greeting. We don't always see each other out and about, but none of us is ever too busy to wave and call out a greeting when we do see each other. Usually from a vehicle cruising down the street.

Since the last big snowstorm, our neighbor two houses down left us all a fun reminder of his presence. He and the kids built a wonderful snow sculpture on the front lawn.

There it sits, large and looming, a two section profile of a man with a big smile and a shiny bald head. It greets all who pass by (at least until the sun terminates its existence).

It's a fun rendition of a traditional snow man, but what makes it so great is that it looks just like him. Well, as close as a snow sculpture can look. I don't feel bad saying so either, because he admitted when I told him that, that upon showing a photo of it to his mom she asked him why he made a snow sculpture of himself. How fun.

Thanks neighbor for the chuckle.

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