Monday, January 07, 2008

What's Up With Car Radio?

Driving to work is getting very boring.

I've gone through every radio station on the dial. I've listened to talk radio, sports chatter radio, easy listening, country and western, and news radio. Been there, done that.

I've tried to watch (I mean listen to) movies on my Palm Pilot--but getting all tangled up in headphone wires and car charger cables while trying to catch the thing sliding off the dashboard got old.

I've tried to listen to books on tape, but I found myself losing track of the story as my mind wandered.

I don't like listening to the same artist song after song so CDs are out.

None of it works for me. I'm not going to resort to singing to myself, that's for sure, so now what do I do?

I love listening to Christmas music, but that only lasted from Thanksgiving until a day of two after Christmas. Country and western tunes tout a life I just don't fit in with. Talk radio is too political. Sports chatter radio gets dumber and cruder everyday. News radio repeats itself every ten minutes.

Any suggestions?

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