Friday, January 11, 2008

Soldier Boy

Working on an Army post today brought back some fond memories of my days in the military. It has been more than twenty years since I was a soldier. The sights and sounds of the post take me back:

Soldiers standing in formation behind their barracks, listening to the orders of the day--lined up in order of rank--looking smart in their camouflaged fatiques and colorful berets.

Soldiers walking down the sidewalk, side by side, chatting like they were walking down the block in the "hood" (except that these soldiers carried M16 weapons, hanging barrel downwards, behind their shoulder blades).

Unit names posted in living/working area compounds revealing the organization's purpose.

Motor pools full of Humvees, fighting vehicles, and artillery. For most of the time that I was in the service, our vehicles were for training for the next conflict, but these vehicles, dressed out in combat camouflage paint schemes had probably already been in combat, or were on their way there.

An obstacle course, the sounds of gun shots from a firing range, parade grounds, the PX, and the commissary; oh yes, I remember well.

Tomorrow I will keep my eyes wide open in hopes of catching a glimpse of soldiers in training, marching in formation, or participating in their favorite activity: hurrying up and waiting.

NOTE: The photo in this entry came from the US Army web site.

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