Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No Diving

Every evening while on the road, I've taken up a new pastime to rid myself of any stress built up through the long training day: I visit the hotel hot tub for a soak.

At this hotel, with the hot water problems we seem to be experiencing, they ought to call it the warm tub, but that is another story.

While sitting in the tub this evening, I noticed something I thought a little odd. Alongside the sign on the floor announcing the depth of the hot tub, I noticed the international (I suppose) symbol for No Diving. Odd, I thought, why would they need a No Diving sign on a three foot deep hot tub?

Who in their right mind would take a dive into a such a small hot tub? I could see having to warn people against diving into the pool.

It wasn't long before I had my answer. There on the wall, in the list of Spa Rules was why they post the No Diving sign. It was for the violators of rule number four (See sign below).

I felt much better dripping back up to my room, knowing the answer to my question.

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