Thursday, May 15, 2008

Help! I Am Alone In A Grocery Store...What Do I Do?

Since we are staying at the Candlewood Suites and have kitchenettes in our rooms, we decided to go grocery shopping to fill our cabinets and fridges with food for the week.

All of a sudden, I found myself standing in the middle of the potato chip aisle, all alone. I was like a five-year-old, separated from mommy. I looked around at the colorful bags full of vinegar chips, cheddar chips, jalapeno chips, Cheetos, those ones with ridges, and every other kind of deep fried potato snack you can think of...

Panic set in. Help! I cried out. What do I do now?

My job has always been to follow the wife around the grocery store and nod my head every once in a while when asked about a product selection. Then, after a few minutes I could drift off to the magazine aisle or the DVD department.

Who ever imagined I would have to fend for myself one day?

After the panic subsided, and I realized she was many miles away, I slowly came to my senses and filled the cart with groceries. I am not sure, though, what food group Hostess Cupcakes fall in. I can't figure out if M&Ms are considered a main dish or a side dish. And, is ice cream a vegetable or a fruit?


Anonymous said...

Ah, sweetie! Now I REALLY MISS YOU! I know there are only a limited number of places you enjoy "hanging out in" at the grocery store. I just hope you picked up your WW Giant Fudge bars! That can be your new comfort food!

Love you,

Always yours,


Norm said...

LOL - If you are like me, you had to put back the hand carried shopping basket and bring back a real shopping cart to carry out the great bounty of greatness. Oh, don't forget a V8 juice to wash it down...need those veggies you know.