Sunday, April 27, 2008

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

There are some beautiful historic buildings around downtown Augusta. One of the churches is St. Paul's Episcopal Church. It was established in 1750 and is still in use today.

I love the large windows, and although I didn't have the chance to go inside I am sure the stained-glass images are gorgeous.

I would have loved to lie on my back at the base of the bell tower, framed in a beautiful blue sky with puffs of cloud, and pondered the depths of the heavens. With my restored girth, I would have been mistaken for a man in need of medical attention and caused quite a stir, so I restrained myself.

A graveyard with weathered and broken tombstones, one I noticed dated back to 1708, graced the grounds around the building. Most of the stones are illegible. The stones I could read gave me a glimpse into the people who lived in Augusta 200-300 years ago.

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