Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Just a few observations since I have been here in Waegwan, Korea:

When we eat in the restaurants, our drinks are brought to us in bottles. It has been many years since we've bought our soda pop out of bottles back home--at least not the glass kind. When we were on our cruise in Mexico, I noticed the same thing there. I would assume that reusing bottles is more economical than aluminum cans, but that is just my uninformed opinion.

Our food is prepared from scratch in little open kitchens in the front of the restaurant. The restaurant is the owner's home too. The cook usually prepares our order fresh and in small quantities (I don't mean that our portions are small). For example, when I ordered coleslaw, the cook cut just enough cabbage off of a head to slice up for my order or just enough meat and vegetables are cut up for a fried rice order. Nothing seems like it is wasted.

When we enter a restaurant, if we are the first ones there, they usually turn on more lights and turn on background music (American in the places right outside the post). It's like they don't want to waste the electricity unless paying customers are inside.

The restaurants are usually heated by portable gas heaters placed somewhere between the tables.

Some have as few as four tables. They must not need a lot of money to live on.

Wiring is not concealed inside the walls. It runs up the walls with plastic covers to make it look a little nicer.

I think we may have gotten way too spoiled in the US. Maybe we could learn from other countries and be satisfied with simpler things in life.

Like I said, just a few observations...

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