Sunday, August 24, 2008

Modern Technology - Does It Work?

Everyone knows I have my electronic gadgets. If you know me at all you've seen me listening to music and podcasts, or watching movies on my Zune. You have probably seen me pecking away at my laptop keyboard or have endured waiting for me while I took picture after picture with my digital cameras. You may have seen me reading a book on my Sony Reader or checking my schedule on my Palm TX. You know how much I like my electronic gadgets. Some call them my toys.

Since I started this blog, I’ve found that the hardest part of being a blogger is sitting down to write each day. I take notes all day about my reactions to life or incidents that occur during the day. When I get back to my room, a lot of times, I just don't sit down to write those notes up as a blog entry. I get caught up in a movie, reading, playing a rousing game of solitaire or any distraction to keep me from having to expose myself to my readers.

The last notes I remember taking were those I jotted down on a first-class flight across the United States to Baltimore, MD. I remember taking notes religiously, on a barf bag, as I gazed out the window at the beautiful patterns and colors created by agricultural endeavors on the ground. I captured, in words, the music lulling me to sleep in my very comfortable first class seat. I can’t remember all the notes I took on that flight since that barf bag sat in my room on the table for the whole three and a half weeks I was in Baltimore and today is incinerated or buried in some land fill. I never did write it up.

So today, after thinking about doing it for some time, I picked up my newest gadget: a Sony IC voice recorder with software that transcribes your voice to text on the laptop. Am I getting lazy or what? My thoughts are that I have no trouble keeping a running commentary in my head during the day about what I see and hear around me. So, if I just take those thoughts and dictate them into a voice recorder, I can transcribe them each evening and have the beginning of the blog. From there I just have to clean up the text (if you’ve seen the results of inexpensive voice recognition software you’ll know what I mean) and add additional thoughts.

In fact, it works quite well I think. I used it for this blog. What do you think?

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I have never been able to find a working pen/barf bag combo....the paper is always too weird to take the ink. Figures the First Class barf bags would double as notepads. pfft.

Such a perfect life you lead.....