Thursday, August 28, 2008

Battle Damage

I hate the morning commute. Cars just simply cannot stay in their own lane, travel the speed limit, keep a safe distance, and get where they need to go safely. People have to dart in and out as they to try get one extra car length. And nobody seems concerned enough about the other people on the road to make sure their loads are securely tied down.

This morning I was driving along at sixty five or seventy miles an hour, keeping a safe distance from the car in front of me when all of a sudden, three cars to the right I see an object coming out from under the car and spinning end over end through the air before hitting my windshield on the right side. BOOM. It had to be a strut or a shock absorber; something of that size and shape. It put at least a two inch hole in my windshield, spraying glass shards all over me and over the inside of the car.

I didn't have time to react and be scared, it was over so quickly and the damage was already done so I just continued driving to work. If it would have hit the center of the windshield I probably would have had a disastrous accident.

It's going to cost me a couple hundred dollars to repair the windshield, which isn't that bad compared to what it would have cost me if it would have hit the center and caused a me to be in a major accident. It is possible that I wouldn't even be writing this to you today.

I can't wait until the Frontrunner commuter rail comes to town so I can drive my car down to the train station in the morning, get on the train, sleep or read on the way to work, get back on the train after work and get home cheaper, safer, and greener than if I drove. Oh, and I wouldn’t have any objects flying at me while doing 70 mph.

The funny thing is that the people around me on the interstate were probably oblivious to it. I wonder if it struck any of the cars behind me. I should've looked back. I might have seen a major accident occur as people dodged right and left to avoid the flying object.

I wonder how many others on the highway this morning were lucky enough to experience what I did.


Anonymous said...

I still remember the near-miss when we used to car pool together. There was snow on the I-10 and you were just a little (by "little, I really mean a lot) late noticing the cars in front stopped. We start skidding and spinning, Lincoln lets out a girly "yelp," and you do something straight out of NASCAR and somehow we end up on the shoulder lane and ahead of the car we were about to crash into. That removed my doubts about your driving skills (for about a week).


HiTekRider said...

Yes, I remember that day often. That was long before the $60+ gas fillup...